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Lo and colleagues also add to the evidence that MDA
Lo and colleagues also add to the evidence that MDA might need to be widened beyond school-aged children (5–14 years). Different frequencies of treatment are known to be needed for communities with different intensities of infection, but less appreciated is that different age groups need to be treat
protein kinase inhibitor Los cambios acelerados bajo los cua
Los cambios acelerados bajo los cuales se nos presenta Cristo en la obra hacen de él una figura proteica, capaz de transformaciones inusitadas protein kinase inhibitor la medida de antiguos politeísmos conspicuos y hasta procaces, sin que la operación eucarística disimule ahora su proximidad con una
En los bestiarios y cr nicas existe la intenci n
6. En los bestiarios y crónicas existe la intención de inducir el placer estético, acto que no es desinteresado, sino ligado a la contemplación de la divinidad, ya que la naturaleza es hermosa gracias a que la omnipotencia divina “resplandece” en ella: “el mundo sólo puede ser venustus, lindo, agrad
La imagen de la Virgen de Caacup
La imagen de la Virgen de Caacupé junto con sus celebraciones religiosas y su devoción llegó a la ciudad en 1993 en forma de obsequio de una compatriota paraguaya a la agrupación arpa. A partir de entonces, la colectividad incorporó la práctica religiosa devocional no sólo como uno de los actos más
br El a o pasado se
El año pasado se presentó al público el libro de Pablo Monsanto (Jorge Ismael Soto) comandante de las Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes y de la Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca , titulado , el cual aporta información sobre varios pendientes sin resolver de la historia de la lucha revolucionaria
El ltimo espacio que Idalia visit fue la sala de
El último espacio que Idalia visitó fue la sala de exposiciones del Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco de la unam en 2012. La exposición “Pedro Valtierra. Mirada y testimonio”, permitió que este ícono de la obra de Valtierra adquiriera otro significado. A partir de esta retrospectiva se obtuvo
A year old woman was
A 77-year-old woman was referred to our medical center for second opinion for refractory CMML-2. She had been incidentally found to have mild leukocytosis, anemia, and thrombocytosis on routine laboratory analysis. At diagnosis her white blood cell count (WBC) was 12×10/L, hemoglobin was 10.8g/dL, a
br Conclusion br Introduction Multiple myeloma is a malignan
Conclusion Introduction Multiple myeloma is a malignant plasma cell disorder, comprising approximately 10% of all haematological malignancies, and its incidence is increasing [1]. The pathogenesis is complex, culminating in malignant transformation of clonal plasma cells. The aetiology is not
br We recently reported associations between maternal age at
We recently reported associations between maternal age at childbirth and outcomes in the offspring, using data from five birth cohorts (COHORTS collaboration) in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), in . Young maternal age ( Antimicrobial resistance is recognised as a serious global he
br Discussion The excimer laser generator and
Discussion The excimer laser generator and the laser sheath allow for the extraction of leads while freeing them from the site of adhesion by making use of photoablation induced by the energy of ultraviolet rays. Since its approval in 1997 by the US Food and Drug Administration, the use of excime
The TP related complications are given in Table Pericardial
The TP-related complications are given in Table 3. Pericardial effusion without tamponade was seen in 2 patients (5.9%) in the TEE-guided TP group and 5 (8.8%) in the fluoroscopy-guided group. There was no pericardial tamponade in the TEE-guided group and only one patient experienced tamponade in th
br Therapy for the CPVT
Therapy for the CPVT Conflict of interest Acknowledgment This work was supported by Health Science Research grant from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan for Clinical Research on Measures for Intractable Diseases (2016-032). Introduction Bradyarrhythmia is a serious ele
br The sources of cholesterol secreted into bile Bile format
The sources of cholesterol secreted into bile Bile formation is an osmotic process and solutes are actively transported into the canaliculus by primary active lipid transporters: ABCG5/G8 for biliary cholesterol secretion, ABCB4 for biliary phospholipid secretion, and ABCB11 for biliary bile acid
In Tara Mangal and colleagues report the results
In , Tara Mangal and colleagues report the results of their case-control study into the persistence of poliomyelitis in Nigeria, which identified low vaccine efficacy, poor vaccine coverage, suboptimum buy Cy3-dCTP immunity, rejection and refusal of vaccine, and lack of awareness as issues responsi
Is this perhaps a manifestation of the unequal distribution
Is this perhaps a manifestation of the unequal distribution of growth, reflecting a pattern whereby income increases over the past two decades have benefited only the better-off? The evidence suggests that this is unlikely: across countries, Vollmer and colleagues report similar associations between
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