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Esta autonom a junto a su
Esta autonomía, junto AMG 925 su propósito de cambio social y su propuesta de una novedosa perspectiva sobre la política, convierte a los movimientos sociales en una particular fuente de conflicto, incluso en el contexto de estos países estudiados. La conflictividad es uno de los ejes presentes en l
Agosto toma la medida del relato hist rico
Agosto toma la medida del relato histórico en algunas ocasiones, de la crónica periodística en otras, para obtener una narración que ha llegado a entremezclarse con la realidad, o al menos con una investigación académica bien documentada, al grado tal que es bastante común encontrarla citada en artí
Benjam n Arditi por su parte ha desarrollado parte
Benjamín Arditi, por su parte, ha desarrollado parte de su obra en diálogo con y contra Laclau. En lo que nos ocupa, en una extensa reseña de La razón populista, Arditi repara en la triple sinonimia de populismo, hegemonía y política y, además, lanza un conjunto de observaciones agudas. Al igual que
In the wake of these commitments
In the wake of these commitments comes a reminder of the enormity of the task at hand. In , Alexandre Delamou and colleagues present data on the lasting effect of the Ebola virus disease epidemic on maternal and child health-care services in the rural Forest region of Guinea—the location of approxim
T wave alternans is a periodic beat to beat variation
T-wave alternans is a periodic beat-to-beat variation in the amplitude or morphology of the T wave on electrocardiography (ECG) (Fig. 1). Beat-to-beat T-wave alternans is considered to reflect increased dispersion of ventricular repolarization, and it is known to often precede the development of let
br Role of ICD treatment
Role of ICD treatment In patients with VT associated with various structural BIBF1120 diseases, ICD therapy is recommended even if the target VT is successfully ablated and no VT is inducible after catheter ablation [29]. This is because, in such patients, the same VT and/or new VT recurs during
Introduction In current rehabilitation practice for most cli
Introduction In current rehabilitation practice for most clinicians, restorative, supportive and palliative rehabilitation are the primarily courses of treatment for colorectal cancer (CRC) patients in Taiwan. When the end result of treatment for any patient is a fully functional recovery, restorat
The risk of breast cancer development in men with Klinefelte
The risk of breast cancer development in men with Klinefelter syndrome is 20 times that in men without the syndrome. Gynecomastia occurs after puberty in about 85% of male patients with Klinefelter syndrome. These conditions are related to hormonal imbalance with low plasma testosterone and high est
Moore et al in a study
Moore et al., in a study of 40 patients with sarcoidosis and musculoskeletal symptoms, found intramedullary bone lesions on MRI in 43% of patients (17/40) [5]. The lesions ranged in size from 1 to 4cm. Lesions of the large bones and tropisetron were present in 33% of patients (13/40), 9 of which we
La estructura del libro apuesta por plantear
La estructura del libro apuesta por plantear problemas, pero no por una solución única. De ahí que el desenlace de los capítulos previos sean dos re-flexiones distintas, pero complementarias: por un lado, la precaria fijación textual de un texto “condenado the following site existir en una forma que
Contraria a la publicidad representativa propia de reg menes
Contraria (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate manufacturer la publicidad representativa, propia de regímenes anteriores al capitalismo, como el feudalismo y la monarquía, centrada en la legitimación del sujeto del poder y expendedora de un “aura” a su autoridad, ligada al atributo de la persona (vestidos
br On March the Indian Government banned around
On March 10, 2016, the Indian Government banned around 330 “irrational” fixed-dose combination drugs (FDCs) with immediate effect. FDCs are products that p53 inhibitor contain two or more active drugs in a fixed-dose ratio, and are useful for minimising pill burden and lowering cost. However, FDCs
Analyses such as those used by Burke
Analyses such as those used by Burke and colleagues rely on periodic cross-sectional surveys that are not linked to available or civic registration and vital statistics databases. These surveys are also limited by the inevitable time lag between analyses and feedback to health systems and policy mak
br Introduction Incidence of oral cancers
Introduction Incidence of oral cancers accounts for ∼3% of all malignancies. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for >95% of all malignancies in the oral cavity, and it is the fifth leading cause of cancer death in the male population in Taiwan. OSCC is treated mainly with surgery. Post
Currently RFCA is indicated if pharmacologic therapies are
Currently, RFCA is indicated if pharmacologic therapies are unsuccessful [41]. Myocardial substrates for reentrant VT and/or the origin of focal VT are the ablation target for monomorphic VT storms. Although ablating multiple and unstable VTs is challenging, modern computerized mapping and catheter
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