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Si en cada figura novelesca
Si en cada figura novelesca habitan en potencia tantas identidades como lectores pueda tener, qué decir de un Rimbaud pictórico —la fórmula es de Cassou (1961b: 9)— que se nos ofrece rapsódicamente, descoyuntado, sin ensamblar. Un modelo para armar cuyo formato remite purchase Silmitasertib otro de
Buturovic and Ignatovic rightly point out that present day
Buturovic and Ignatovic rightly point out that present-day formula is different from the type of milk received by Brazilian infants born in the early 1980s, particularly because long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids have been added to modern products. Nevertheless, modern biology is constantly unco
Di logo de amigos escritura y ficci n
Diálogo de amigos, escritura y ficción se cruzan desde las primeras páginas: “Por dispares que fuéramos como escritores, la amistad cabía, porque sentíamos una compartida pasión por los libros. Tardes y noches conversamos de Johnson, de De Quincey, de Stevenson, de literatura fantástica, de argument
The number of residents in London
The number of residents in London who were originally from the 21 endemic countries in Central and South America was calculated from the 2011 UK National Census and was stratified by borough. We did not include undocumented migrants and individuals born to mothers from endemic Latin American countri
Although other risk markers such as high amplitude J
Although other risk markers such as high amplitude J waves in the inferior leads have been suggested, a better scheme for risk stratification is necessary. The presence of a type I BS ECG pattern indicates the necessity for ICD glucokinase inhibitor in patients with syncope of unknown causes. Curre
br D microCT data Bone
3D microCT data Bone volume (BV/TV) ranged from 10.8 to 13.5% consistent with the published literature [18]. Trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), trabecular Fluorouracil (Tb.Sp), trabecular number (Tb.N) and bone surface per tissue area (BS/TV) values were also consistent with the range published in th
br Conclusion br Conflict of interest br
Conclusion Conflict of interest Introduction Future challenges and conclusion In recent decades several anticancer drugs have been approved for the management and treatment of colorectal cancer. These drugs do not represent a revolution in the treatment of CRC. However, 5-FU has continue
info There is a concern about the possibility
There is a concern about the possibility that some patients with WPW syndrome who have LV dyssynchrony and atypical delta waves, as in the present case, may be diagnosed with DCM. In these WPW syndrome patients, although medical therapy might not improve LV dysfunction, RFCA of the AP might improve
br I Campo de maniobras br II Las letras br
I. Campo de maniobras II. Las letras III. La historia IV. Las humanidades VI. La Revolución mexicana VI. Últimos refuerzos VII. Conclusión Atrás han quedado la suplantación de la obra creativa, y de la crítica, por la insaciable teoría; las insostenibles muertes de la novela, de
En los bestiarios y cr
6. En los bestiarios y crónicas existe la intención de inducir el placer estético, acto que no es desinteresado, sino ligado a la contemplación de la divinidad, ya que la naturaleza es hermosa gracias a que la omnipotencia divina “resplandece” en ella: “el mundo sólo puede ser venustus, lindo, agrad
We have received funding from
We have received funding from the Wellcome Trust to develop a global atlas of podoconiosis. We aim to advance new knowledge on the geographical distribution and spatial epidemiology of the disease. A first step in this work will be to establish the geographical absence of disease by applying an evid
br Introduction Incidence of oral cancers accounts for
Introduction Incidence of oral cancers accounts for ∼3% of all malignancies. Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) accounts for >95% of all malignancies in the oral cavity, and it is the fifth leading cause of cancer death in the male population in Taiwan. OSCC is treated mainly with surgery. Post
Introduction Atrial fibrillation AF is the most common arrhy
Introduction Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in adults and the most common cause of embolic stroke. AF affects approximately 0.8 million patients in Japan alone, and its incidence is expected to grow exponentially [1–3]. However, the electrophysiological mechanisms of the ini
Introduction In current rehabilitation practice for most
Introduction In current rehabilitation practice for most clinicians, restorative, supportive and palliative rehabilitation are the primarily courses of treatment for colorectal cancer (CRC) patients in Taiwan. When the end result of treatment for any patient is a fully functional recovery, restorat
Do ponto de vista da insurg ncia a
Do ponto de vista da insurgência, E-4031 resposta governamental se encaixava perfeitamente à leitura política sustentada por Guzmán. O “presidente” pregava que a ação senderista explicitaria a violência estatal, constrangendo o campesinato a se levantar contra o Estado e em última análise, tomar as
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