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Common and rare SCN A variants
Common and rare SCN10A variants may contribute to AF susceptibility [59,60]. SCN10A mutations (R14L and R1268Q) cause a loss of function of Nav1.5 current, which is expected to reduce excitability and lead to the development of the arrhythmogenic substrate responsible for BrS and AF. A common varian
More than million almost children younger than
More than 200 million—almost 40%—children younger than 5 years in developing countries are not fulfilling their developmental potential. In parts of Africa, up to three-quarters of children are victims of physical abuse, and a third of girls and more than 10% of boys are victims of sexual abuse. One
br A modo de conclusi n La re
A modo de conclusión La re/visión que se ha propuesto en el presente escrito recoge el sentido que le da Adrienne Rich al término: revisar es volver a mirar desde un posicionamiento crítico en un presente, desde el que se tiene una perspectiva (temporal) de cómo ha sido la suerte del fenómeno que
br Material and methods br Results br
Material and methods Results Discussion Activated microglia has been shown to be a hallmark of central nervous system (CNS) inflammation, which further mediating the subsequent neuronal apoptosis [1], [2], [3], [27], [28]. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms have not been well eluc
These results have to be interpreted with respect
These results have to be interpreted with respect to present trends in age at childbearing. Worldwide, adolescent fertility rates fell from 71 to 52 per thousand women aged 15–19 years between the 1970s and the 2000s. This Sulindac sulfide was seen in all regions, with the possible exception of Lat
En las relaciones pol ticas tradicionales
En las relaciones políticas tradicionales mapuche, el longko o autoridad tuvo la función de repartir las tierras, prerrogativa que perdió con los desplazamientos y las reducciones, situación que en unión al hecho de que los distintos gobiernos regidos por la intención del trato igualitario para los
tropisetron Predicting the potential effects of climate chan
Predicting the potential effects of climate change on the incidence and distribution of infectious gastroenteritis can assist public health providers to control and prevent severe outbreaks in the future. Implementation of programmes for rotavirus vaccination clearly shows benefit and should be an t
br Los dos libros que a
Los dos libros que pdgfr inhibitor continuación se reseñan solo en parte coinciden en su objeto de estudio y el método de tratarlo. El libro de Hugo J. Verani ofrece una minuciosa interpretación de la poética de Octavio Paz, especialmente de la que domina en sus poemas extensos. También Evodio Esc
El poeta becario no es la nica figura que impacta
El poeta becario no es la única figura que impacta Asiaticoside esta generación; hay otra menos visible, pero que sin duda resulta también relevante para un campo como la poesía, de escaso interés comercial. En los espacios alternativos que no participan de la normativa burocrática, se crean figuras
br In this issue of
In this issue of , Tiffany Chao and colleagues present a systematic, comprehensive, and critical assessment of published estimates of the cost-effectiveness of essential surgery, and thus make an important contribution to the published work on the economics of global health interventions. Their he
AN-2728 Seg n Alejandra Pita y
Según Alejandra Pita y Aimer Granados, las revistas culturales han sido redescubiertas por los historiadores como fuente de enorme valor para el estudio de grupos y redes intelectuales, y en este aspecto se han constituido como objeto de estudio autónomo. Sin embargo, como hemos señalado anteriormen
orexin agonist br The Editorial in about global health inequ
The Editorial in about global health inequity raises some important issues. The global health orexin agonist long ago acknowledged the worldwide disparities in health, but it has failed to take action; most of the efforts have been made in reporting the disparities among specific population grou
A partir de una profunda revisi
A partir de una profunda revisión de sus concepciones teórico-políticas, los protagonistas de Controversia se ubicaron al interior de esta última perspectiva. Los marxistas dejaban de definir fty720 la democracia como una “máscara de la dominación burguesa” y la izquierda peronista renunciaba a igua
Introduction Hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma HSTCL is a
Introduction Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTCL) is a rare subtype of peripheral T-cell lymphoma, which is derived from cytotoxic T-cells typically expressing γδ T-cell receptor (TCR). It usually occurs in young men and is characterized by B symptoms such as a fever, weight loss and night sweats,
Brugada syndrome BS is a
Brugada syndrome (BS) is a hereditary arrhythmogenic disease characterized by a coved- or saddleback-type ST elevation in the right precordial lead on a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and ventricular fibrillation (VF) occurring mainly at night. During the past 2 decades, since Brugada and Brugada f
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